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Social Media Use and Emotional Regulation in Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Longitudinal Examination of Moderating Factors

Linda, Ifeanyi Nwoke
Program Director, USAfrica Hub, New Jersey, USA

Submission to VIJ 2017-03-30


  • Autism Spectrum Disorder, emotional regulation, social media, adolescents, online social support.


Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) face unique emotional regulation challenges, potentially exacerbated by social media use. This longitudinal study investigates the relationship between social media use and emotional regulation in adolescents with ASD, examining moderating effects of online social support, platform type, and usage duration. Survey data from 150 adolescents with ASD (13-18 years) were collected at two time points, six months apart. Emotional regulation was assessed using standardized measures. Excessive social media use (>2 hours/day) predicted increased emotional dysregulation, while moderated use (<1 hour/day) and online social support mitigated these effects. Platform type (visual-centric vs. text-based) and usage duration emerged as significant moderators. This study provides novel insights into the complex interplay between social media use and emotional regulation in adolescents with ASD, informing evidence-based guidelines for healthy social media engagement and targeted interventions.


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