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The Economic Impact of The Implementation of The Lucky Waste Program in the Oyster Mushroom Cultivation Farmer Group of Payakabung Village, North Indralaya Sub-District, Ogan Ilir District

Saddam Husein
PT PLN Indonesia Power UP Indralaya
Abdul Roni Heryanto
PT PLN Indonesia Power UP Indralaya
Kurniawan Bagus Dwi Prayogo
PT PLN Indonesia Power UP Indralaya
Muhammad Ichsan Hadjri
Lecturer of Master of Management, Economic Faculty, Sriwijaya University, Palembang

Published 2024-07-28


  • Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Bertuah Waste Program, Palm Frond Waste, Baglog Waste


This study aims to determine and analyze the economic impact of the implementation of the Bertuah Waste Program in the Oyster Mushroom Farmer Group of Payakabung Village, North Indralaya District, Ogan Ilir Regency. The Bertuah Waste Program is a flagship Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program of PT PLN Indonesia Power UBP Keramasan UP Indralaya. This program aims to have an impact on improving the community's economy and as a form of effort to overcome environmental problems around Payakabung Village, such as the generation of palm frond waste which is a factor in the severe condition of forest and land fires, as well as the generation of baglog waste which is used as liquid smoke. The method used in this research is a qualitative approach with a descriptive method. The results showed that the Bertuah Waste Program is a form of development and innovation from oyster mushroom cultivation activities in Payakabung Village which has been running since 2022. The Bertuah Waste Program has shown impacts, both in terms of economy and environment for the community, especially members of the Oyster Mushroom Farmer Group and Srikandi Payakabung. The economic impact is shown in the form of savings in raw material costs, savings in vegetable pesticide costs, and increased income for group members.


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