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Contributions of Prominent Foreigners and Domestic Individuals to Mongolia's Development: A Historical Perspective

Antony D. Miller
Associate Professor (Postgraduate Studies) Department of International Relations and Journalism Research Concentrations: Educational Leadership, Political Economy, IR, Chaos Theory, and Geopolitics. Otgontenger University – Mongolia. Dept. International Relations. 35205, Jukov Str., Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.
Jargalsaikhan Gaanjuursuren
Associate Professor (Member of the Academic Council) Otgontenger University – Mongolia Department of International Relations and Journalism

Published 2024-02-27


  • China, Postgraduate, Unemployment, Education, Urban


This study investigates the substantial contributions made by prominent foreigners to Mongolia through out history. Mongolia, located between China and Russia, has a rich cultural legacy and a distinct geopolitical position. Several prominent figures from other nations have played significant roles in supporting Mongolia in a variety of disciplines, including diplomacy, education, healthcare, and economic growth. This research intends to shed light on these contributions and their long-term influence on Mongolia's socioeconomic and scape. Mongolia has a long history of relations with outsiders, and numerous prominent figures from other nations have helped the country. This article features some noteworthy foreigners who have made contributions to Mongolian history.


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