Study on the Development of Fiber-Rich Noodles through the Substitution of Wheat Flour with Pregelatinized Tannia Flour

Submission to VIJ 2024-01-04
- Fiber-rich noodles, Pregelatinization, Tannia flour, Substitution
Copyright (c) 2024 I Nengah Kencana Putra, I Putu Suparthana, Anak Agung Istri Sri Wiadnyani

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Traditional noodles are often criticized for their low fiber content, a component with numerous health benefits in preventing degenerative diseases. Tannia, a potential food source in Indonesia, is recognized for its richness in fiber. This study evaluated the chemical properties, cooking quality, and sensory aspects of noodles made from a composite of wheat flour and pregelatinized tannia flour (PTF). PTF, obtained by boiling tannia tuber slices at a temperature of 95°C for 10 minutes, drying, mashing, and sieving using a 60-mesh sieve, was used to substitute some of the wheat flour in dry noodles production. Substitution levels ranged from 0% (control) to 30%. Results showed a significant impact on protein, carbohydrate, and crude fiber content, as well as color, cooking quality, and sensory properties. Crude fiber increased with substitution, but above 25%, noodles exhibited lower elasticity compared to the control. In conclusion, a 25% substitution of wheat flour with PTF produced noodles with higher crude fiber content, better cooking quality, and sensory properties comparable to control noodles (without substitution). Noodles with 25% substitution had a crude fiber content of 4.89%, while control noodles were at 3.84%
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